action adventure alternative world based on a manga comedy contemporary fantasy demon demons drama exorcists fantasy josei journey to the west magic manga martial arts mythology primarily adult cast psychological drama shoujo supernatural youkai
Rating: 7.37
SRG, Saiyuki - Reload Gunlock, Saiyuki Gunlock, Saiyuki Reload Gunlock, Saiyuuki RELOAD GUNLOCK, Saiyuuki Reload GunLock, Saiyūki Reload Gunlock, ไซยูกิ สี่แสบฝ่าแดนทมิฬ กันล็อค, さいゆうきりろーどがんろっく, 最遊記RELOAD GUNLOCK
The Sanzo Ikkou continues its westward journey, on a mission to prevent a demonic resurrection. As Genjo Sanzo, Cho Hakkai, Sha Gojyo, and Son Goku fight their way to their goal, their path is fraught with internal strife. When they encounter a formidable pair of adversaries from the west, the cohesion of the group -- and the fate of the mission -- may be at stake. (Source: ANN)