Rating: N/A
Handstand bou running!, Handstand boy, Handstand boy more running!, Handstand boy running!, Handstand boy,eats everything!, Handstand boy,go to the department store!, Handstand boy,mysterious phenomena all around!, Handstand boy,olympics all the way!, Sakadachi-kun, Sakadachi-kun Hashiru!, さかだちくん、ひたすらオリンピック!, さかだちくん、ひたすら喰う!, さかだちくん、ひたすら怪奇現象, さかだちくん、ひたすら走る!, さかだちくん、デパートへいく!, さかだちくん走る!, さかだちくん, さかだちくん走る!
Sakadachi-kun is a 26-year-old boy who always lives upside down. He is a tough guy who wears a judo sash and is practicing somewhere today.