action adventure based on a manga bionic powers bishounen comedy contemporary fantasy dancing drama earth elemental powers fairy tale family life fantasy female protagonist henshin hero of strong character heroine of strong character heterosexual japan love polygon love triangle magic magical girl mahou shoujo maids male harem monster ojou-sama present psi-powers reverse harem romance school shoujo slapstick super power supernatural drama swordplay tragedy tsundere
Rating: 7.16
New Snow White`s Legend Pretear, New Snow White’s Legend Pretear, Pretear, Pretear: La leggenda della nuova Biancaneve, Prétear, Prétear: The New Legend of Snow White, Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Pretear, Shin Shirayukihime Densetsu Pretear, Легенда о Новой Белоснежке Притиар, しんしらゆきひめでんせつぷりーてぃあ, 新白雪姫伝説プリーティア
Due to her father'