action based on a manga dark fantasy drama fantasy gore horror isolated society kaiju kuudere military outside world overpowered main characters post-apocalyptic recap shounen super power survival suspense
Rating: 7.91
Ataque a los Titanes, la película parte 2: Las Alas de la Libertad, Attack on Titan Movie 2: The Wings of Freedom, Attack on Titan Part II: Wings of Freedom, Attack on Titan: Anime Movie Teil 2: Flügel der Freiheit, Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom, L’Attaque des Titans: Les Ailes de la Liberté, Shingeki no Kyojin Kouhen: Jiyuu no Tsubasa, 劇場版「進撃の巨人」後編~自由の翼~
Recap of episodes 14-25.