action action drama adventure angst asia based on a manga bionic powers contemporary fantasy cyberpunk dark fantasy demon demons drama earth fantasy female protagonist future genetic modification horror japan law and order magic manga monster mythology police policeman post-apocalyptic primarily adult cast primarily female cast psi-powers psychological drama sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction seinen shounen superpowers swords & co
Rating: 6.21
Silent Mobius 2, Silent Mobius Movie 2, Silent Mobius: The Motion Picture 2, Silent Moebius Movie 2, Silent Möbius Movie 2, Silent Möbius: Le Film 2, Silent Möbius: The Motion Picture 2, サイレントメビウス2, 劇場版サイレントメビウス2, 魔法阵都市 剧场版2
This sequel to the Silent Mobius The Movie 1 continues the timeline of the flashback section of the first movie (Katsumis initial contact with AMP), using some more ideas and persons from the Manga, and being slightly less incompatible to the Silent Mobius series from 1998.