action adult cast adventure alien aliens based on a manga bionic powers comedy cyborg cyborgs ecchi gunfights guns human enhancement humanoid alien mafia male protagonist manga nudity pirates primarily adult cast sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shounen space space pirates tragedy violence
Rating: 7.07
Cobra, Cobra - Le film, Cobra Gekijoban, Cobra Gekijouban, Cobra Space Adventure, Cobra: Le Film, SPACE ADVENTURE Cobra, SPACE ADVENTURE コブラ, SPACE・ADVENTURE コブラ, Space Adventure COBRA: The Movie, Space Adventure Cobra (1982), Space Adventure Cobra - Le film, Space Adventure Cobra - The Movie, Space Adventure Cobra Gekijouban (スペースアドベンチャー コブラ 劇場版), Space Adventure Cobra Movie, Space Adventure Cobra: Il Film, Space Adventure Cobra: The Movie, Super Agente Cobra. La Película, cobra movie, Космічні пригоди Кобри. Фільм, スペースアドベンチャー コブラ, 哥普拉 剧场版
Cobra, a notorious space pirate, is enlisted by bounty hunter Jane to rescue her sister from the strange being known as Crystal Boy, but then finds himself drawn into a complex struggle over the fate of a mysterious wandering planet. (Source: ANN)