action adventure asia based on a manga bionic powers cyborg dinosaurs drama earth environmental excessive violence foreign gunfights guns lost civilization magic male protagonist manga mecha middle east military power suit present psi-powers psychic powers religion sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shounen suicide super power supernatural drama superpowers terrorism violence
Rating: 6.68
SPRIGGAN, Spriggan - The Movie, Striker, Спригган, スプリガン, 遗迹守护者(1998)
Long before the era of prehistoric man, an advanced alien species inhabited Earth. Negligent of the power they held, these beings ultimately caused their own demise. However, the aliens left behind a warning to future civilizations on indestructible tablets: to destroy any remains of the ruinous technology created by their kind. In modern times, the ARCAM Corporation and their paramilitary unit&mdash