america based on a visual novel chuunibyou comedy drama female protagonist foreign heterosexual kuudere language barrier maids male protagonist otaku culture present romance sci fi sci-fi science fiction supernatural drama suspense thriller time manipulation time travel tsundere verbal comedy
Rating: 8.29
Gate Special, Poriomanía del egoismo, Steins, Steins Gate Episode 25, Steins Gate OVA, Steins Gate Special, Steins Gate: Poriomania Egoistica, Steins,Gate Special, Steins;Gate : Poriomanie égoïste, Steins;Gate OVA, Steins;Gate 横行跋扈のポリオマニア, Steins;Gate: Egoistic Poriomania, Steins;Gate: Poriomanía del egoísmo, Steins;Gate: Poriomanía rampante, Steins;Gate: Ōkōbakko no Poriomania, シュタインズ ゲート 横行跋扈のポリオマニア, シュタインズ・ゲート 横行跋扈のポリオマニア
A few months after the events of Steins