action aliens alternate universe amnesia based on a manga body horror body swapping coastal conspiracy contemporary fantasy cosmic horror crime fiction death of a loved one denpa dissociative identities drama ensemble cast excessive violence fantasy ghost gore guns hero of strong character heroine of strong character heterosexual horror island love polygon love triangle male protagonist manga monster mystery mythology present primarily teen cast reincarnation religion romance rural shapeshifting shounen struggle to survive super power supernatural supernatural drama supernatural thriller suspense tanned skin thriller time loop time manipulation time travel tragedy twisted story unrequited love urban fantasy violence
Rating: 8.48
A Ilha das Sombras, Bright Sun - Dark Shadows, Bright Sun: Dark Shadows, La Isla de las Sombras, La isla de las sombras, SR, STR, Summer Time Render, Summer Time Rendering, Summertime Rendering, Tajemnica wyspy, Tajemství Ostrova Hitogashima, Time Shadows, לעבור את הקיץ, ปริศนาบ้านเก่า เงามรณะ, サマータイムレンダ, 夏日重现
Since the death of his parents, Shinpei Ajiro had lived with the Kofune family and their two daughters&mdash