alien aliens alternate universe angst asia award winning based on a light novel comedy coming of age drama earth gods high school japan kuudere male protagonist memory manipulation moe mystery novel parallel universe parallel world philosophy present primarily teen cast psychological psychological drama romance school school club school clubs school life sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction seinen shounen snowscape supernatural supernatural drama time manipulation time travel tragedy tsundere twisted story unrequited love urban fantasy
Rating: 8.6
Das Verschwinden der Haruhi Suzumiya, Das Verschwinden der Haruhi Suzumiya der Film, Haruhi Movie, Haruhi Suzumiya kadumine, La Desaparición de Haruhi Suzumiya, La Disparition de Haruhi Suzumiya, La Disparition de Haruhi Suzumiya la Film, La Scomparsa di Haruhi Suzumiya, La disparition de Haruhi Suzumiya, La scomparsa di Haruhi Suzumiya, O Desaparecimento de Haruhi Suzumiya, O Desaparecimento de Suzumiya Haruhi, Suzumiya Haruhi no Shōshitsu, Suzumiya Haruhi no Syoshitsu, Sự biến mất của Suzumiya Haruhi, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, The Vanishment of Haruhi Suzumiya, Vanishment of Haruhi Suzumiya, Zniknięcie Haruhi Suzumii, Зникнення Харухі Судзумії, Исчезновение Харухи Судзумии, ההיעלמות של הארוהי סוזומיה, การหายตัวไปของสึซึมิยะ ฮารุฮิ, すずみやはるひのしょうしつ, 凉宫春日的消失, 涼宮ハルヒの消失, 涼宮春日的消失, 스즈미야 하루히의 소실
On a cold December day, Kyon arrives at school prepared for another outing with his fellow SOS Brigade members. However, much to his surprise, he discovers that almost everything has changed completely: Haruhi Suzumiya and Itsuki Koizumi are nowhere to be found