alternative world anthropomorphic asia based on a manga chibi child protagonists comedy coming of age countryside cute girls doing cute things daily life drama earth family friendly fantasy female protagonist half-length episodes iyashikei japan maid moe ojou-sama present primarily female cast seinen short episodes slice of life slice of life drama super deformed
Rating: 7
Bincho-tan, Binchotan, Binchō-tan, binchou, Бинтё-тан, びんちょうたん, びんちょうタン, 备长炭
This is a story about a little girl who lives in an old house in the mountains. Her name is Bincho-tan. Each episode depicts a day in the life of Bincho-tan as she prepares her breakfast in the morning, goes to the forest to gather vegetables, does her household chores and rests at night after a day'