
Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life: Dai-2 no Shokugyou wo Ete, Sekai Saikyou ni Narimashita

Rating: 6.33

Alternative Titles

Mein Isekai-Leben: Mit der Hilfe von Schleimen zum mächtigsten Magier einer anderen Welt, My Isekai Life, My Isekai Life: I Gained a Second Character Class and Became the Strongest Sage in the World, My Isekai Life: I Gained a Second Character Class and Became the Strongest Sage in the World!, My Isekai Life: I Gained a Second Class and Became the Strongest Sage in the World!, Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life, Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life - Daini no Shokugyo wo Ete, Sekai Saikyou ni Narimashita, Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life ~Dai-2 no Shokugyou wo Ete, Sekai Saikyou ni Narimashita~, Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life: Dai Ni no Shokugyou o Ete, Sekai Saikyou ni Narimashita, Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life: Dai Ni no Shokugyou wo Ete, Sekai Saikyou ni Narimashita, Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life: Dai Ni no Shokugyō o Ete, Sekai Saikyō ni Narimashita, Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life: Daini no Shokugyo wo Ete, Sekai Saikyou ni Narimashita, Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life: Daini no Shokugyou o Ete, Sekai Saikyou ni Narimashita, Tensei Kenjya no Isekai Life, The Reincarnated Sage`s Alternate World Life: I Got a Second Profession, The Reincarnated Sage’s Alternate World Life: I Got a Second Profession, and Became the Most Powerful in the World, and Became the Most Powerful in the World, tenseikenja, Жизнь перерождённого мудреца в другом мире, Жизнь перерождённого мудреца в другом мире: Получение второй профессии и становление сильнейшим!, เกิดใหม่ในต่างโลกเป็นปราชญ์แกร่งสุดโดยไม่รู้ตัว, 転生賢者の異世界ライフ, 転生賢者の異世界ライフ ~第二の職業を得て、世界最強になりました~, 転生賢者の異世界ライフ~第二の職業を得て, 世界最強になりました~, 転生賢者の異世界ライフ~第二の職業を得て、 世界最強になりました~, 轉生賢者的異世界生活~取得第二職業,成為世界最強~, 转生贤者的异世界生活~取得第二职业,成为世界最强~, 转生贤者的异世界生活~获得第二职业并成为世界最强~


After working himself to death in a hostile corporate environment, Yuuji Sano gets a second chance when he transmigrates to a game-like fantasy world. Although he wishes to lead an unassuming life, Yuuji learns that he has the title of a Monster Tamer, the weakest rank of adventurer. With his newfound skills, he tames a number of slimes around him and, with their help, acquires magical powers to become a Sage&mdash

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