action adult cast assassin assassins based on a manga comedy crime disney+ original drama gunfights guns lifestyle change mafia manga organized crime present primarily adult cast psychological romance seinen surreal comedy urban violence yakuza
Rating: 7.28
Басня, ザ・ファブル
Fable, an assassin who works in organized crime, has been raised to the legendary status of a ruthless killer capable of murdering any man within six seconds. Six years after his debut, his boss fears that Fable has started to attract too much attention from the legal authorities, and he orders him to hide in Osaka for a year. Accompanied by his driver who assumes the identity of his sister, Fable is bound by a special condition: he must act as a civilian and not murder anyone lest he and his partner lose their lives. However, the seemingly well-deserved holiday soon takes a grim turn. Takeshi Ebihara, the second-in-command of the Osaka mafia that officially protects the assassin, sees Fable'