action adventure based on a manga comedy contemporary fantasy demon drama fantasy female protagonist henshin kuudere magic magical girl mahou shoujo middle school present primarily female cast romance school sentai short episodes shorts shoujo slapstick tokusatsu
Rating: 7.31
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Gaiden - Ami-chan no Hatsukoi, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Gaiden: Ami-chan no Hatsukoi, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Sidestory, Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon Gaiden: Ami-chan no Hatsukoi, Il primo amore di Amy, Pierwsza miłość Ami, Sailor Moon Super S Plus - Ami's First Love, Sailor Moon SuperS Plus: Ami's First Love, Sailor Moon SuperS: Ami's First Love, Sailor Moon SuperS: Il primo amore di Amy, 美少女戦士セーラームーンSuperS 外伝 亜美ちゃんの初恋, 美少女戦士セーラームーン外伝 亜美ちゃんの初恋
Quiet bookworm of the Sailor Senshi Ami takes pride in her studies, but a rival naming himself "