action adventure alternative world based on a video game comedy dragon dragons fantasy game goblin kids magic primarily child cast rpg shounen slice of life super power supernatural
Rating: 6.54
BLUE DRAGON 天界の七竜, BLUE DRAGON: Tenkai no Shichi Ryuu, Blue Dragon, Blue Dragon - Novos Episódios -, Blue Dragon 2, Blue Dragon: Tenkai no Shichi Ryū, Blue Dragon: Tenkuu no Nana Ryuu, Blue Dragon: The Seven Dragons of Heaven, Blue Dragon: The Seven Dragons of the Heavens, Blue Dragon: The Seven Dragons of the Sky, Blue Dragon: Trials of the Seven Shadows, Mėlynasis drakonas 2: Septyni Dangaus Drakonai, ぶるーどらごんてんかいのしちりゅう
After the events of the Blue Dragon series, Shu and Bouquet join a resistance group to fight General Rogi'