action action comedy adventure based on a manga comedy coming of age delinquent ensemble cast fighting-shounen ganbatte hero of strong character hero of weak character psi-powers school school life sci fi shounen slapstick super power superhero superheroes supernatural superpowers urban verbal comedy zombie
Rating: 7.21
My Hero Academia: Training of the Dead, 僕のヒーローアカデミア トレーニング・オブ・ザ・デッド
Returning from their internships, the students of Class 1-A are immediately thrown into more training by their homeroom teacher, Shouta Aizawa. For this exercise, the class will be joining four students from Isamu Academy High School to compete in a survival game. Split up into groups of four, students must either eliminate each other or stay hidden until time runs out to win. The training also acts as a reunion between Tsuyu Asui and her friend from middle school, Habuko Mongoose. However, not all the students from Isamu are friendly&mdash