action adventure alternative world angst based on a manga child protagonists coming of age conspiracy dark fantasy demons drama dystopia dystopian ensemble cast fantasy female protagonist found family genius hero of strong character heroine of strong character horror human livestock isolated society male protagonist manga mind games monster mystery noitamina orphan orphanage orphans outside world primarily child cast prisoner psychological psychological drama rotten world sci fi sci-fi science fiction shounen slice of life stoic hero struggle to survive supernatural drama supernatural thriller survival suspense tanned skin thriller tragedy
Rating: 8.49
TPN, The Promised Neverland, YakuNeba, Yakuneba, Обещанная страна грёз, ארץ לעולם לא המובטחת, نيفرلاند الموعودة, พันธสัญญาเนเวอร์แลนด์, 約定的夢幻島, 約束のネバーランド, 约定的梦幻岛, 약속의 네버랜드
Surrounded by a forest and a gated entrance, the Grace Field House is inhabited by orphans happily living together as one big family, looked after by their "