
Anime Image


  • Episode: 1
  • Duration: 1 hr. 22 min.
  • Studio: -
  • Release: SPRING 2005

8th century biographies buddhism chinese animation drama historical original work religion

Yin Shun Daoshi Fu

Rating: N/A

Alternative Titles

Ven. Yin Shun, 印順導師傅


The story begins in 742AD, when Japanese monks Yoei and Fusho, pay a visit to Jian Zhen, the abbot of Daming Temple in Yangzhou, China, and implore him to help implement Buddhist precepts in their homeland. When his disciples shy away from the task, the abbot volunteers himself. From 743AD, he tries to sail to Japan several times and only succeeds on his sixth attempt. By then he had already lost his eyesight, yet not once did he lose sight of his aspiration nor did he allow his determination to falter. Bringing along with him several Chinese artisans, Jian Zhen, himself a medical practitioner, went on to make major contributions to the development of Buddhism in Japan, as well as to its culture, architecture and traditional Chinese medicine. (Source: IMDB)

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