
Yumemiru Topo Gigio

Rating: 6.02

Alternative Titles

Bentornato Topo Gigio, Dreaming Topo Gigio, Dreaming Toppo Jijo, Topo Gigio, die Weltraummaus (2. Staffel), Yume Miru Toppo Jijo, Yumemiru Toppo Jijo, 夢見るトッポ・ジージョ


Created by Maria Perego, Topo Gigio has been a beloved character for more than two decades. This animated TV series features numerous exciting stories and introduces many friends. Topo Gigio is the first mouse astronaut to travel the Milky Way. Can a mouse become an astronaut? Well, Topo Gigio has come from a year 2,388,400 years ahead in the future. He is friendly and can talk with humans. He makes friends with his neighbors including a girl, her pet mouse, cats, and other mice. (Source: AniDB)

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