alien aliens asia based on a manga bisexual comedy denpa earth ecchi female protagonist girls love girls' love humanoid alien japan manga musical non-human protagonists nonsense-comedy present primarily female cast science fiction seinen shounen slapstick slice of life surreal comedy verbal comedy yuri
Rating: 6.37
Lesbian Citizen Naoko-san, Lesbian Citizen Naoko-san (2012), Yurian Naoko-san, 百合星人ナオコサン, 百合星人ナオコサン (2012), 百合星人ナオコサン (2012)
Naoko-san is an alien from the planet Yuri, who is plotting to conquer the Earth by yurifying it. Misuzu is a junior high girl and is always troubled by Naoko-san, who lives on the roof of her house.