action adventure alternative world based on a manga bionic powers fantasy fantasy world fighting-shounen magic manga monsters psi-powers shounen slice of life spearplay super power supernatural superpowers swordplay
Rating: 6.93
Adventure King Beet, Beet 1, Beet TV, Beet the Vandel Buster, Beet, cazador de Vandels, Bouken-ou Beet, BtVB, Bōken Ō Beet, beet, bob, Приключения короля Бита, บี๊ท นักล่าอสูร, ぼうけんおうびぃと, 冒険王ビィト
It is the dark century and the people are suffering under the rule of the devil, Vandel, who is able to manipulate monsters. The Vandel Busters are a group of people who hunt these devils, and among them, the Zenon Squad is known to be the strongest busters on the continent. A young boy, Beet, dreams of joining the Zenon Squad. However, one day, as a result of Beet'