action adventure alternate universe alternative world based on a manga educational fantasy fantasy world feudal warfare gore isekai magic male protagonist military monster novel parallel universe parallel world parody person in a strange world philosophy plot continuity present seinen super power surreal comedy swordplay swords & co violence war
Rating: 4.1
Garzei no Tsubasa, Garzey no Tsubasa, Garzey's Wing, Garzey`s Wing, Garzey’s Wing, Tales of Byston Well, Tales of Byston Well: Garzey's Wing, Tales of Byston Well: Garzey`s Wing, The Wings of Garzey, bystonwell, dunbine ova 2, garzey, バイストン・ウェル物語, バイストン・ウェル物語 ガーゼィの翼, 加什之翼
Christopher "