action adventure android apocalyptic fiction bionic powers cyborg cyborgs dystopian earth future guns heterosexual male protagonist mecha post apocalypse post-apocalyptic psi-powers real robots reincarnation robots robots & android sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shounen superhero superheroes tokusatsu violence
Rating: 6.31
Casshan, Casshan - Robot Hunter, Casshan: Robot Hunter, Casshan: Robot Hunter Casshern, Casshern, Kyashan - Il mito, Kyashan il mito, Ловецът на роботи Кашан, קשאן, しんぞうにんげんきゃしゃーん, キャシャーン, 新造人間キャシャーン
In the near future, robot technology has advanced to the point of self-awareness. Under the leadership of the "