action action comedy alternative world based on a manga bionic powers breaking the fourth wall chibi comedy crossover demon demons magic mecha mina parallel universe parallel world parody person in a strange world psi-powers robots robots & android sci fi sci-fi science-fiction super deformed super power super robot supernatural
Rating: 6.77
CB Chara Nagai Gou World, CB Chara Nagai Gō World, CB Character Go Nagai World, CB Character: Nagai Gou World, CB chara Go Nagai World, CBキャラ永井豪ワールド, Chibi World, Chibichiara - Nagai Go Sekai, Chibichiara: Nagai Go Sekai, Devilman: CB Chara Nagai Gou World, El loco mundo de Go Nagai, Go Nagai World, Il pazzo mondo di Go Nagai, Mazinger: CB Chara Nagai Gou World, Violence Jack: CB Chara Nagai Gou World, CBキャラ永井豪ワールド
Various characters from Go Nagai works including Devil Man, Mazinger, and Violence Jack, become trapped in a parody world where they all be come super deformed. They get trapped in this mishmash, fighting each other and are trying to figure a way back to their own world.