action action comedy adventure based on a manga bounty hunter comedy crime detective drama episodic gunfights guns japan mafia male protagonist manga mystery pantsu present primarily adult cast romance shounen slapstick supernatural drama urban violence violent retribution for accidental infringement
Rating: 8.07
CHun2, CITY HUNTER 2, CITY HUNTER2, Cazador 2, City Hunter (2. Staffel), City Hunter : Nicky Larson 2, City Hunter: Ein Fall für Ryo Saeba 2, Nicky Larson - Saison 2, Nicky Larson Saison 2, してぃーはんたーつー, シティーハンター2, 城市獵人2
Ryo Saeba is a private detective, but has another face as a sweeper who cleans the city of evil. He is able enough, but has a bad habit of getting over-excited about beautiful women. It is his partner Kaori Makimura'