action alternative world asia based on a light novel comedy earth ecchi fantasy world future game gaming – video games high school isekai japan kuudere martial arts novel psi-powers romance school sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction seinen swords & co video game virtual reality virtual world
Rating: 7.09
Accel World OVA, Accel World: Ginyoku no Kakusei, Accel World: Kasoku no Chouten, Accel World: Reverberation, aw ova, アクセル・ワールド EX, アクセル・ワールド OVA
Reverberation A mysterious avatar has hijacked the Umesato Junior High Local Network, trapping students and stripping them of their clothes and belongings. After learning that other schools are facing a similar problem, Kuroyukihime gathers Haruyuki Arita and the other members of Nega Nebulus&mdash