action amnesia based on a manga contemporary fantasy crime crime fiction criminals detective detectives drama fantasy horror law and order manga mind games policeman present psychological psychological drama psychopaths rivalries rotten world secret identity serial killers shinigami shounen supernatural supernatural drama supernatural thriller thriller urban fantasy vigilantes
Rating: N/A
Death Note Director`s Cut: The Complete Ending Edition Special 1, Death Note Kazen Ketchakuban 1, Death Note Relight: A Visão de um Deus, Death Note Relight: La Visión De Un Dios, Death Note Rewrite 1, Death Note Rewrite 1: Genshi Suru Kami, Death Note Rewrite: The Visualizing God, Death Note Rewrite: Visions of a God, Death Note: Director’s Cut, Death Note: Egy új világ istene, Death Note: R - Genshi Suru Kami, Death Note: R - Genshisuru Kami, Death Note: R(デスノート:リライト) 幻視する神, Death Note: Re-Light - Visions of a God, Death Note: Relight - L'affrontement, Death Note: Relight - Visions of a God, Death Note: Rewrite - Genshi Suru Kami, La Visualizacion de Dios, Zápisník smrti - Spasitelské vize, dn special, dnr, デスノート:リライト 幻視する神, 死亡笔记特别篇 幻觉之神