action action drama adventure age gap alternative world android apocalyptic fiction artificial intelligence augmented reality bionic powers cgi comedy coming of age cyborg drama dystopia dystopian female protagonist found family guns heroine of strong character heterosexual isolated society kaiju male protagonist mecha monster monsters new original work post-apocalyptic psychological drama robots robots & android rotten world satire sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction slapstick slice of life steampunk stoic hero supernatural drama tanned skin thriller tragedy video games violence
Rating: 7.36
DECA - DENCE, DECA-DENCE, Дека-Данс, ديكا-دنس, デカダンス, 没落要塞
Far in the future, the lifeforms known as Gadoll suddenly arose as a threat to humanity. The last surviving humans on Earth confine themselves to the Tank, a lower district in the giant mobile fortress Deca-Dence. While the Gears who live on the upper floors are warriors who go out to fight as part of the Power, most Tankers are content to provide support from the backlines, butchering Gadoll meat and reinforcing defenses. Natsume is among those who would rather go to the front lines