animal protagonists animals anthropomorphic anthropomorphism based on a manga beastman cg animation cgi comedy contemporary fantasy daily life fantasy manga non-human protagonists office present primarily adult cast primarily animal cast primarily male cast shoujo shounen slice of life urban work work life working life workplace
Rating: 6.54
Africa Salaryman, Africa Salaryman (2019), Africa no Salaryman, Africa no Salaryman (2019), African Office Worker, African Office Worker (TV), Businessman in Africa, Businessman in Africa (TV), アフリカのサラリーマン, アフリカのサラリーマン (2019), アフリカのサラリーマン (TV), アフリカのサラリーマン (2019), 非洲的动物上班族
Africa no Salaryman is a slapstick workplace comedy that follows the adventures of kind Lion, jaded Lizard, and perverted Toucan, as they trudge through office life while also becoming caught up in antics no regular office worker should. Of course, most of these are the fault of Toucan, whose selfish actions and lack of filter still haven'