action adventure comedy cyborg cyborgs drama earth ecchi female protagonist future human enhancement humanoid alien large breasts mecha military ocean original work post-apocalyptic primarily female cast radio programme samurai sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction swordplay tragedy
Rating: 5.42
Dennou Sentai Voogie's Angel, Dennou Sentai Voogie`s Angel, Dennou Sentai Voogie’s Angel, Dennō Sentai Voogie’s Angel, Voogie's Angel, Voogie`s Angel, Voogie`s Angels, Voogie’s Angel, Voogie’s Angels, 美少女电脑战队, 電脳戦隊 VOOGIE`s ANGEL, 電脳戦隊ヴギィ'ズ★エンジェル, 電脳戦隊ヴギィ'ズ・エンジェル, 電脳戦隊ヴギィ`ズ★エンジェル, 電脳戦隊ヴギィ`ズ・エンジェル
A hundred years after Earth is invaded by aliens, the last remnants of the human race dwell in underwater "