baseball based on a manga comedy cute boys doing cute things diva ensemble cast friendship ganbatte hero of strong character high school japan male protagonist manga present primarily male cast primarily teen cast rehabilitation school school club school life shounen slapstick slice of life sports team sport team sports tournaments verbal comedy
Rating: 8.11
Ace of Diamond, Ace of the Diamond, Daiya no A, Daiya no Ace, Dia no A, Dia no Ace, Диамантеният ас, Путь аса, だいやのえーす, ダイヤのA, ダイヤのA[エース], 钻石王牌
With a stray pitch that completely missed the batter, Eijun Sawamura loses his final middle school baseball game. Frustrated by this defeat, Eijun and his teammates vow to reach the national tournament once they are in high school. But everything changes when a scout unexpectedly invites him to Tokyo'