action adventure animals anthropomorphism artificial intelligence child protagonists comedy cyberpunk drama family friendly fantasy friendship game henshin isekai japan kaiju kids monster monsters new present primarily child cast proxy battles sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shounen virtual world
Rating: 7.79
Digimon : Le Film (Partie 2), Digimon Adventure Movie 2: Bokura no War Game, Digimon Adventure: Bokura no War Game, Digimon Adventure: Children's War Game!, Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!, Digimon Adventure: Unser Kriegsspiel, Digimon Movie 2, Digimon: Az igazi film, Digimon: Children's War Game!, Digimon: Children`s War Game, Digimon: Children’s War Game, Digimon: Der Film, Digimon: Der Film (Teil 2), Digimon: Il Film (Parte 2), Digimon: Le Film, Digimon: Our War Game, Digimon: Our War Game!, Digimon: The Movie, Digimon: The Movie (Part 2), Приключения дигимонов: Наша военная игра, でじもんあどべんちゃーぼくらのうぉーげーむ, デジモンアドベンチャー ぼくらのウォーゲーム!, デジモンアドベンチャー ぼくらのウォーゲーム!, デジモンアドベンチャー / ぼくらのウォーゲーム, 数码宝贝大冒险 我们的战争游戏!, 디지몬 어드벤처: 우리들의 워 게임!
This movie takes place after the Adventure series ends. It begins when a new Digimon Egg is found on the internet, and manages to penetrate into almost every computer system in Japan. When the egg hatches, it'