action adventure artificial intelligence child protagonists drama ensemble cast family friendly fantasy friendship game kaiju kuudere monster monsters mythology new okinawa present primarily child cast proxy battles sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shounen tragedy
Rating: 6.95
Digimon Movie 5, Digimon Season 03: Movie 01, Digimon Tamers - The Adventurer`s Battle, Digimon Tamers Movie: Boukensha-tachi no Tatakai, Digimon Tamers Movie: The Adventurers' Battle, Digimon Tamers Special, Digimon Tamers: Battle of Adventurers, Digimon Tamers: Bōkensha-tachi no Tatakai, Digimon Tamers: The Adventurers' Battle, Digimon Tamers: The War of the Adventurers, digitame movie 1, デジモンテイマーズ 冒険者たちの戦い, 디지몬 테이머즈: 모험자들의 싸움
Takato and Guilmon go on vacation to Okinawa and meet a fellow tamer, Minami. Back in Japan, a popular computer pet suddenly becomes a virus, infecting all of the computers who have it. As the virus spreads, Takato tries to figure out why digimon are all attacking his new friend, and what her connection is to the virus. (Source: ANN)