adventure alien aliens artificial intelligence based on a manga comedy ensemble cast family friendly fantasy future humanoid alien kodomo manga non-human protagonists outer space primarily child cast robot robot helper robots robots & android sci fi sci-fi science-fiction shipboard shounen space space battles space travel
Rating: 7.1
Doraemon Movie 6, Doraemon Movie 6: Nobita no Little Star Wars, Doraemon Movie 6: Nobita's Little Star Wars, Doraemon Película 6: Doraemon y la Guerra de las Galaxias, Doraemon the Movie: Nobita's Little Space War, Doraemon: Nobita no Little Star Wars, Doraemon: Nobita no Uchukosenso, Doraemon: Nobita no Uchuu Shou Sensou, Doraemon: Nobita's Little Star Wars, Doraemon: Nobita`s Little Space War, Doraemon: Nobita`s Little Star Wars, Eiga Doraemon: Nobita no Little Star Wars, ドラえもん のび太の宇宙小戦争, ドラえもん のび太の宇宙小戦争[リトル・スター・ウォーズ], ドラえもん のび太の宇宙小戦争(リトル・スターウォーズ), 哆啦A梦 大雄的宇宙小战争, 映画 ドラえもん のび太の宇宙小戦争[リトル・スター・ウォーズ], 映画ドラえもん のび太の宇宙小戦争[リトル・スター・ウォーズ]
Papi, the tiny president of a faraway planet, escapes to Earth to avoid being captured by the military forces that took over. Despite being welcomed by Doraemon, Nobita and their friends, the little alien notices that his enemies have also reached this world and doesn'