action adventure alien aliens alternative world based on a manga bionic powers comedy demon demons fantasy fighting-shounen gods hand to hand combat hero of strong character kamis magic male protagonist manga martial arts psi-powers sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shounen slapstick struggle to survive super power superpowers
Rating: 6.63
A ameaza da zona escura, DBZ Movie 1, DBZMV1, DRAGON BALL Z (1989), DRAGON BALL Z (1989) (ドラゴンボールZ オラの悟飯をかえせッ!!), Dragon Ball Z (1989), Dragon Ball Z - A Zona Morta, Dragon Ball Z - Garlicin jäljillä, Dragon Ball Z - La vendetta divina, Dragon Ball Z - The Movie: Die Todeszone des Garlic Jr., Dragon Ball Z 01 - À la poursuite de Garlic, Dragon Ball Z Movie 01: The Dead Zone, Dragon Ball Z Movie 1: Dead Zone, Dragon Ball Z Película 1: Devolvedme a mi Gohan, Dragon Ball Z der Film: Die Todeszone des Garlic Jr., Dragon Ball Z le Film: À la Poursuite de Garlic, Dragon Ball Z: A Zona Morta, Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone, Dragon Ball Z: Devolva-me Gohan, Dragon Ball Z: Die Todeszone des Garlic Jr., Dragon Ball Z: Garlick Junior Inmortal, Dragon Ball Z: Garlick Junior inmortal, Dragon Ball Z: Give Me Back My Gohan!, Dragon Ball Z: Give Me Back My Gohan!!, Dragon Ball Z: In Pursuit of Garlic, Dragon Ball Z: Jakten på Garlic, Dragon Ball Z: La vendetta divina, Dragon Ball Z: Martwa strefa, Dragon Ball Z: Movie 1, Dragon Ball Z: Movie 1 - Dead Zone, Dragon Ball Z: Ora no Gohan o Kaese!!, Dragon Ball Z: Ora no Gohan wo Kaese!!, Dragon Ball Z: Return My Gohan!!, Dragon Ball Z: Return my Gohan!!, Dragon Ball Z: Son Goku Super Star, Dragon Ball Z: The Dead Zone, Dragon Ball Z: ¡¡Devuélveme a mi Gohan!!, Dragon Ball Z: À la poursuite de Garlic, Dragon Ball: La saga, Dragonball Z - The Movie: Die Todeszone des Garlic Jr., Dragonball Z: Die Todeszone des Garlic Jr., Dragonball Z: The Movie - Die Todeszone des Garlic Jr., ドラゴンボールZ オラの悟飯をかえせッ!!, ドラゴンボールZ オラの悟飯をかえせッ!!
Piccolo is training at a barren cliff when a handful of mysterious enemies attacks and defeats him. These same enemies then go to Mount Paozu to steal Gohan Son'