action adventure angel based on a manga cg animation cg-anime cyborg cyborgs earth female protagonist gunfights human enhancement male protagonist manga mecha middle east robots robots & android sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shounen space super power superheroes tragedy
Rating: 6.43
009 RE:CYBORG, Cyborg 009: 009 Re:Cyborg, ぜろぜろないん り・さいぼーぐ
Nine regular humans from different parts of the world are abducted and transformed into cyborgs with astounding powers for the purpose of being used as weapons. The nine cyborgs rebel and start to fight against their creators in the name of justice and world peace. Decades later, the nine cyborgs seem to be untouched by time, but they live in a world where "justice" has as many nuances as the number of people living on the planet. What is their place in the world now? "In the beginning was the Voice, and the word was Him