action adventure based on a manga bullying chuunibyou comedy conspiracy cult demon demons drama dystopian ecchi elemental powers ensemble cast fantasy female harem firefighters guns hero of strong character kemonomimi lost civilization male protagonist manga martial arts masochism nekomimi nudity nun orphans post-apocalyptic religion sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shounen slapstick super power supernatural superpowers swordplay tanned skin time manipulation tragedy urban fantasy
Rating: 7.71
En`en no Shouboutai, Enn Enn no Shouboutai, En’en no Shouboutai, En’en no Shōbōtai, Fire Brigade of Flames, Fire Force, enen, Пламенная бригада пожарных, Пламенные огнеборцы., Пламенный отряд, Пожарна команда, Полум'яні вогнеборці, כוח האש, פייר פורס, หน่วยผจญคนไฟลุก, 炎炎ノ消防隊, 炎炎消防队, 炎炎消防隊
Spontaneous Human Combustion: a chaotic phenomenon that has plagued humanity for years, randomly transforming ordinary people into flaming, violent creatures known as Infernals. While Infernals make up the first-generation accounts of Human Combustion, the second and third generations became known as pyrokinetics&mdash