action adventure alternative world comedy dragon elve fantasy fantasy world game elements magic medieval novel seinen swords & co thief
Rating: 6.54
Fortune Quest, Fortune Quest TV, Fortune Quest: Journey to Mount Terrason, Un'avventura fantastica, Un`avventura fantastica, الكنز المفقود, フォーチュン·クエストL, フォーチュンクエストL, 寻宝探险记L
Our story is set in another world, parallel to ours. We meet Pastel, an orphan girl, 18 years old, who lives with a group of adventurers in a small house. Pastel works as a writer and also a "mapper", charting towns, the countryside, rivers and mountains with sketches and illustrations. She is highly respected by her friends as her intelligence and honesty are extraordinary. Living in the house with Pastel, we meet Clay, a young swordsman