based on a manga bullying comedy contemporary fantasy drama female protagonist girls love girls' love gl high school lgbtq+ themes manga present primarily female cast primarily teen cast psi-powers rehabilitation romance school school life sci fi sci-fi science fiction shoujo ai shoujo-ai shounen slice of life super power supernatural time manipulation urban fantasy yuri
Rating: 6.55
Flag Time, Flagtime, Frag Time, フラグタイム, 时光沙漏, 时光碎片
Misuzu Moritani is an introvert who has always had difficulty interacting with her classmates, quickly becoming flustered whenever someone tries to talk to her. Sometimes, she will use her ability to stop time for three minutes to escape troublesome social situations. One day, as Misuzu watches the suspended environment around her, she observes that her classmate, Haruka Murakami, is somehow able to move despite her temporal influence. From that moment on, Misuzu experiences new wonders as she explores more of the world she has long avoided