action adventure aliens comedy contemporary fantasy fantasy henshin kuudere ninja present sci-fi science fiction science-fiction social media super power time skip tokusatsu
Rating: 6.98
GATCHAMAN CROWDS insight #0 inbound, GATCHAMAN CROWDS insight「#0 inbound」, GATCHAMAN CROWDS insight(インサイト) #0「inbound」, GATCHAMAN CROWDS insight(インサイト)「#0 inbound」, Gatchaman Crowds 2nd Season: Episode 0, Gatchaman Crowds Insight, Gatchaman Crowds Insight: #0 Inbound, Gatchaman Crowds Second Season: Episode 0, Gatchaman Crowds insight #0: inbound, Gatchaman Crowds insight: Inbound, Gatchaman Crowds インサイト inbound
Episode 0 of Gatchaman Crowds Insight to be streamed on Hulu before the airing of the main series.