4-koma manga asia based on a 4-koma manga based on a manga comedy daily life delinquent drawing earth educational ensemble cast episodic female protagonist gag gender bending genius heterosexual high school japan manga manga & doujinshi manga industry moe otaku otaku culture parody present primarily teen cast romance romantic comedy satire school school club school life shounen slapstick slice of life slow when it comes to love stereotypes stoic hero the arts tomboy tsundere unrequited love verbal comedy work writers
Rating: 7.82
Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun, Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun, Mistrz Romansu Nozaki, Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, Monthly Girls` Nozaki-kun, Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun, Nozaki-kun, Revista mensual para chicas Nozaki, Shojo-Mangaka Nozaki-kun, gsnk, げっかんしょうじょのざきくん, 月刊少女野崎くん, 月刊少女野崎同學, 月刊少女野崎君, 월간순정 노자키 군
Chiyo Sakura is a cheerful high school girl who has fallen head over heels for the oblivious Umetarou Nozaki. Much to Chiyo'