adventure based on a manga drama leijiverse robots sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction space trains
Rating: 6.45
Galaxy Express 999: Can You Love Like a Mother?, Galaxy Express 999: Can You Love Like a Mother?!!, Galaxy Express: Can You Love Like a Mother?, Galaxy Railway 999: Can You Love Like a Mother!!, Galaxy Railway 999: Can You Love Like a Mother?!!, Ginga Tetsudo 999: Kimi wa Haha no You ni Aiseru ka!!, Ginga Tetsudou 999: Kimi wa Haha no You ni Aiseruka!!, Ginga Tetsudō 999: Kimi wa Haha no Yō ni Aiseru ka!!, 銀河鉄道999 君は母のように愛せるか!!, 銀河鉄道999 君は母のように愛せるか!!, 銀河鉄道999 君は母のように愛せるか!!
A remake of episodes 51-52 of the TV version.