action adventure based on a manga breaking the fourth wall comedy edo period fantasy gag gag humor historical manga nonsense-comedy old asia parody samurai sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shounen slapstick swordplay verbal comedy
Rating: 8.12
Gintama (2015), Gintama OAD, Gintama OVA, Gintama' OVA, Gintama: Jump Festa 2014, Gintama: Jump Festa 2014 Special, Gintama: Jump Festa Anime Tour 2014, Gintama` (2014), 銀魂 OAD, 銀魂 〜布団に入ってから拭き残しに気付いて寝るに寝れない時もある〜, 銀魂´ (2014), 銀魂ジャンプフェスタアニメツアー’ 2014
Bundled with limited edition of the 58th Gintama manga volume. The tagline for the bundled anime reads, "