action alternative world amnesia apocalyptic fiction artificial intelligence cute girls doing cute things drama female protagonist future magical girl mahou shoujo mystery new original work philosophy post-apocalyptic primarily female cast robots & android sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction slice of life tragedy twisted story virtual reality virtual world
Rating: 6.65
D.backup, Garakowa -Restore the World-, Garakowa: Restore the World, Garasu no Hana to Kowasu Sekai, Vitreous Flower & Destroy the World, Vitreous Flower Destroy the World, garakowa, ガラスの花と壊す世界, 玻璃之花与崩坏的世界
Dual and Dorothy, faithful computer antivirus programs, monitor and constantly scan for corruptions in the simulated worlds of the Box of Wisdom. Whenever a virus is detected, it&mdash