action adventure aliens based on a movie cg animation cosmic horror environmental fantasy full cgi kaiju kaijuu military monsters philosophy post apocalypse post-apocalyptic rape sci fi sci-fi science fiction suicide tokusatsu
Rating: 6.23
GODZILLA -星を喰う者-, GODZILLA 3, GODZILLA 3: The Planet Eater, GODZILLA 星を喰う者, GODZILLA: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono, Godzilla 3: The Planet Eater, Godzilla Movie 3: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono, Godzilla Movie 3: The Planet Eater, Godzilla Part 3: The Planet Eater, Godzilla: Eater of Stars, Godzilla: Hoshi o Kuu Mono, Godzilla: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono, Godzilla: The Planet Eater
With the defeat of the Bilusaludo'