action action comedy based on a manga comedy contemporary fantasy ecchi fantasy female protagonist ghost ghost hunters japan kuudere magic manga monster monster-of-the-week present robots romance shounen slapstick super power supernatural swords & co time manipulation vampire
Rating: 7.22
GS[ゴーストスイーパー]美神, GS美神, GS(ゴーストスイーパー)美神, Ghost Sweeper GS Mikami, Ghost Sweeper Mikami, Ghost Sweeper Mikami (TV), Mikami la Cazafantasmas, Mikami, la Cazafantasmas, Una Miss Scacciafantasmi, Una miss scacciafantasmi, gs mikami, ゴーストスイーパーGS美神
In a world plagued with malicious ghosts, how is it possible to combat the existence of such evil spirits? The answer is to hire a "