action action drama anti-hero assassins augmented reality based on a novel conspiracy cyberpunk cyborg drama dystopia dystopian excessive violence foreign gore gunfights guns human enhancement law and order male protagonist military noitamina novel nudity philosophy politics present primarily adult cast psychological psychological drama rotten world sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction stoic hero terrorism twisted story urban violence war
Rating: 7.12
Genocidal Organ, L'Organo Genocida, L`organo genocida, L’Organo Genocida, Project Itoh, Project Itoh 3: Genocidal Organ, Project Itoh: Genocidal Organ, 虐殺器官, 虐殺器官 GENOCIDAL ORGAN, 학살기관 Genocidal Organ
The war on terror exploded, literally, the day Sarajevo was destroyed by a homemade nuclear device. The leading democracies transformed into total surveillance states, and the developing world has drowned under a wave of genocides. The mysterious American John Paul seems to be behind the collapse of the world system, and it'