alternative world anime mirai anime tamago bullying daily life drama fantasy heterosexual high school japan male protagonist new original work present primarily teen cast psychological school school life seinen sentimental drama shorts slice of life supernatural urban wakate animator ikusei project
Rating: 7.22
2014 Young Animator Training Project, Anime Mirai 2014, Anime Mirai Project 2014, Wakate Animator Ikusei Project, Wakate Animator Ikusei Project 2014, Wakate Animator Ikusei Project 2014 1, Young Animator Training Project 2014, Young Animator Training Project 2014 1, Гармония (2014), あるもに, アルモニ, 若手アニメーター育成プロジェクト 2014 1, 阿茹茉妮
Akio Honjou is a high school student with a special gift for music. He can perfectly recall any piece of music that he has heard only once. One day, as he tries to reproduce a particularly soothing piano melody, he unexpectedly meets Juri Makina&mdash