avant garde, avant-garde, comedy, dementia, horror, independent anime, nonsense-comedy, short movie, shorts, surreal comedy
avant garde, dementia, indefinite, independent anime, music, shorts
achromatic, black and white, educational, historical, indefinite, no dialogue, shorts, silent movie, trains
independent anime, romance, short movie, shorts
family friendly, fantasy, historical, shorts, stop motion, stop motion animation
adventure, kids, motorcycles, shorts, stop motion animation
action, comedy, cooking, food and beverage, no dialogue, shorts
adventure, fantasy, japanese mythology, mystery, present, shorts, slice of life, supernatural, youkai
animal protagonists, animals, baseball, beastman, black and white, comedy, kids, non-human protagonists, original work, short movie, shorts, slapstick, sports, team sports
achromatic, animal protagonists, animals, anthropomorphism, beastman, black and white, comedy, crime, kids, kodomo, non-human protagonists, short movie, shorts, slapstick, slice of life, thief
countryside, drama, fantasy, kids, rural, shorts, slice of life, youkai
comedy, crime, independent anime, japan, mina, short movie, shorts, slice of life, stop motion, stop motion animation
comedy, fantasy, indefinite, independent anime, present, short movie, shorts, stop motion
abstract, avant garde, music, no dialogue, psychological, shorts
comedy, non-human protagonists, shorts, supernatural, vampires
achromatic, coming of age, drama, male protagonist, marriage, romance, shorts, slice of life
action, anime tamago, asia, combat, comedy, earth, family, female protagonist, japan, kids, martial arts, new, original work, present, shorts, slapstick, sports, wakate animator ikusei project
fantasy, idols (male), korean animation, music, shorts
animal protagonists, koalas, non-human protagonists, shorts