achromatic, action, adventure, anthropomorphism, black and white, comedy, fantasy, historical, romance, samurai, short movie, shorts, silent movie, slapstick, swordplay, swords & co, youkai
kids, shorts
abstract, shorts
cg animation, cg-anime, crime, excessive violence, full cgi, gore, horror, new, no dialogue, pov, school, short episodes, shorts, tragedy, yandere
animal protagonists, anthropomorphic, anthropomorphism, cats, christmas, comedy, family friendly, fantasy, kodomo, new, non-human protagonists, original work, shorts, stop motion, stop motion animation
animal protagonists, animals, anthropomorphic, cats, christmas, kids, no dialogue, non-human protagonists, shorts, slice of life, stop motion, stop motion animation
family friendly, promotional, shorts
based on a manga, comedy, ecchi, recap, school, seinen, shorts, slice of life
achromatic, adventure, animal protagonists, animals, anthropomorphism, beastman, black and white, cats, comedy, fantasy, kids, kodomo, no dialogue, non-human protagonists, painting, past, short movie, shorts, silent movie, trains
achromatic, action, animal protagonists, animals, anthropomorphic, anthropomorphism, beastman, cats, comedy, kodomo, non-human protagonists, past, robots & android, samurai, shorts
chinese animation, shorts
animal protagonists, chinese animation, kids, shorts, stop motion animation
comedy, crude, gag, non-human protagonists, original work, short episodes, shorts
adventure, fantasy, original work, shorts, slice of life
abstract, avant garde, black and white, body horror, dementia, food, independent anime, pov, primarily male cast, shorts
drama, family, friendship, kids, male protagonist, present, primarily child cast, rural, shorts, slice of life, summer, supernatural, time manipulation
animals, avant garde, dementia, mystery, no dialogue, post-apocalyptic, puppetry, shorts, stop motion, stop motion animation, tragedy
adventure, animal protagonists, dogs, family friendly, kids, non-human protagonists, person in a strange world, shorts
action, adventure, air force, alien, aliens, americas, earth, educational, foreign, guns, humanoid alien, new, present, sci fi, sci-fi, science fiction, science-fiction, short movie, shorts, space, united states
adventure, animal protagonists, animals, dogs, family friendly, ghibli museum shorts, non-human protagonists, pets, shorts